Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to stay and live at Carmelina’s Home?

We rely exclusively on our annual fundraising events, donations, sponsorships and the voluntary services provided by healthcare professionals and community volunteers. Supported by either family or Social Service Assistance, the residents pay $1,200 per month for the program.

We do not receive any government funding.

How can I join the Carmelina’s Home program?

  • Contact Carmelina’s Home at 416 242 4207.
  • Schedule a personal interview.
  • Upon acceptance and prior to admission, you must:
    • Provide a one month’s advance payment of the program fee.
    • Be detoxified.
    • Complete a full medical examination.
    • Provide a psychiatric history and referral as required in cases of dual diagnosis or concurrent disorders.

Why is family contact limited?

Our experience has proven that addiction and substance abuse are often a function of maladjusted coping behaviours. Addiction often affects self-awareness, which is needed to learn and grow. Without distractions of family demands and needs, you are able to spend the time needed to self-focus and learn how to deal with yourself first and then your family.

Why is the program so long?

Years of experience and hands-on work has taught us that time is needed for successful rehabilitation. Everyone needs time to heal pain, suffering and unhealthy coping methods. New behaviours and methods of coping cannot be learned overnight. While two years may seem long, it is really a drop in a bucket in comparison to our whole lives…. Why not take the time now? You deserve it!

Is the program successful?

To date, we have had many women successfully complete the program. However, success is not measured in numbers – it is measured in how well a person is oriented towards a successful life, when she is:

  • Able to abstain from substance use, addictive behaviours and unhealthy coping methods that kept her in a destructive life pattern.
  • Better able to deal with problems in a responsible manner (including relapse, drug or behavioural).
  • Oriented toward a more independent and productive lifestyle.
  • More positive and consistent in her emotional and interpersonal relationships.